Don’t trust your hospital systems to amateurs!

Think of Clinicworks as Your Trusted AVImark Technology Partner - Helping You Transform Your Practice!

  1. Are you not getting the proactive maintenance and assistance your hospital needs to prevent costly issues that could’ve been avoided?
  2. Are you tired of paying tons of money for technical support and local IT support personnel to resolve the same AVImark, Hardware and Network issues multiple times?
  3. Are you frustrated with waiting by the phone as issues leave you and your staff unable to work for hours, or worse, days?

We know how much your business means to you, and so many of your processes today rely heavily on technology. From medical records, patient care, client and staff communications, to data protection and storage, to the streamlining of tasks and workflow – with expert AVImark assistance and training from Clinicworks, your practice will be able to truly thrive.

"So why are you trusting amateurs with solving your IT and AVImark problems?"

Spend and hour or two with Dr. Paul and Clinicworks to discover how we can help your practice and keep cash flow pumping! Schedule your FREE AVImark Analysis! Call or text Dr. Paul at (918) 605-7046, or email him: [email protected] to find out what he can do to transform your practice today!

Dr. Paul can help you transform your practice into a revenue-generating and efficiency machine in only a few days.

Digital Safety, a MUST for 2018!

1. Protect your privacy wherever you are connected.

Your phones and tablets need security like your computer and laptops. When you connect to public Wi‑Fi at your local coffee shop or airport or hotel, your phone and personal information may be at risk because those Internet connections may not be secure. Consider using a personal VPN, that encrypts the data you send and receive, at home or on the go.

2. Protect ALL your devices.

Cybercriminals keep coming up with new threats such as ransomware, malware, viruses, and social media hacking. Ensure that all your smartphones, laptops and tablets are secured. See if your current antivirus and internet security subscription may have additional licenses left for more devices? Check the details and make sure ALL your devices are protected.

3. These days criminals don’t just break in, they log on. Be sure to protect all the new electronics you bought over the holidays.

Did you just buy a new smart TV, fridge, or cool new gadget over the holidays? All it takes is one compromised baby monitor or smart thermostat for cybercriminals to potentially infiltrate your network and reach your sensitive data.  Make sure you have a newer more secure and powerful Wi‑Fi router with jaw‑dropping speed, network level encryption and unlimited device protection.  Some of the new ones can be managed from an App on you cell phone.

4. Protect your personal information. Identity theft is a lot more than just a lost credit card.

In 2016, there was a new victim of identity fraud every 2 seconds.1 2017 has been full of data breaches from companies such as Equifax, Forever 21, Uber, Whole Foods, and other big household brands. Those breaches could’ve compromised your identity along with your personal information. A stolen identity could be used to file fake tax returns, apply for a loan or damage your credit. Be sure to get protection against identity theft. 

5. Periodically change your passwords.

In a world where "password" is still one of the top passwords, it’s good digital safety to regularly change them. Make sure you’re using lower case and capital letters, numbers and symbols, and combine them into something you can remember. Instead of "mypassword", try as an example "MyP@ssw0rd!". Or if you want something easier, try an identity management service, to help manage your many passwords.