Saving a Print Preview as a PDF file from AVImark…

You can also print preview anything in Avimark, go to the top of the print preview window and under FILE in the Toolbar, and select Save As. Then change file type from HTML to PDF file, name it, and save the PDF file where you like, to any folder. In the case of saving anything you can print preview in Avimark, you can save it as a .PDF file.






Don’t trust your hospital systems to amateurs!

Think of Clinicworks as Your Trusted AVImark Technology Partner - Helping You Transform Your Practice!

  1. Are you not getting the proactive maintenance and assistance your hospital needs to prevent costly issues that could’ve been avoided?
  2. Are you tired of paying tons of money for technical support and local IT support personnel to resolve the same AVImark, Hardware and Network issues multiple times?
  3. Are you frustrated with waiting by the phone as issues leave you and your staff unable to work for hours, or worse, days?

We know how much your business means to you, and so many of your processes today rely heavily on technology. From medical records, patient care, client and staff communications, to data protection and storage, to the streamlining of tasks and workflow – with expert AVImark assistance and training from Clinicworks, your practice will be able to truly thrive.

"So why are you trusting amateurs with solving your IT and AVImark problems?"

Spend and hour or two with Dr. Paul and Clinicworks to discover how we can help your practice and keep cash flow pumping! Schedule your FREE AVImark Analysis! Call or text Dr. Paul at (918) 605-7046, or email him: [email protected] to find out what he can do to transform your practice today!

Dr. Paul can help you transform your practice into a revenue-generating and efficiency machine in only a few days.

Injections as Treatments or as Items in AVImark…

Use a treatment for each injection and attach the matching drug to each in associated treatments and items tab, do not use the surcharge by item price or cost actions codes and make sure you check the allow override radio button in the associated treatments bad items tab, and set the quantity to 0 so user has to set the amount used each time. Question though is, why do this? You are either severely overcharging or losing money by not charging more for each increase in amount used and you have to do 2 more mouse clicks at minimum for each injection vs using the item drug as the drug for the injection using an M or V action code. Only a few areas sometimes actually work better as a treatment with a drug attached generally: anesthesia, fluids, heartworm therapy, a few special drugs, chemotherapy, euthanasia to name a few. I would say 90% of my client hospitals do it this way. Few use treatments as the method of giving injections. There have also always been some inconsistency issues with inventory being used with s treatment not keeping up as well, as just using the inventory (injectable) item directly.

You should always set up your Action code FEES of M, V, P and H under the Advanced Setup (wrench) to make sure all defaults are set for all users...and there you will find that each has a First, Minimum and Additional. Most of my clients set all the fees the same across the three for the P and the H codes. In other words P for Prescription Fee might be $15 for all three, H Handling Fee might be $5 for all three. Injection codes of M and V are sometimes handled differently for each of the three options for M and V. Sometimes clinics set all the M and V injection code field all the same across the board.

M & V - First = $23
M & V - Minimum = $23
M & V - Additional = $23

Other clinics want different fee for M and V. Many times they set the V code to higher and don't think of this being related to IM and IV, but more like high and low injection fee.

M - First = $23
M - Minimum = $18
M - Additional = $18

V - First = $30
V - Minimum = $25
V - Additional = $25

This method allows for the hospital to have lower priced additional injections for a single "same drug" on the "same patient", and "same invoice" (visit) to be slightly lower after the First. You cannot make the Minimum the same as the First if you are going to use the lower priced Additional fee, as it was designed, to give you a lower price injection fee for all additional on a same (repeated) drug on same pet, same open invoice or visit. Most of my client hospitals do not charge less for additional injections of same drug, as the feeling is "an injection is an injection" and costs the hospital the same.

*** The method and explanation above relates to the use of Items for Injections, not Treatments. It would work entirely differently in Treatments and the IV action code when done with Treatments as injections is U...because V means Vaccination on a Treatment. When the M or V is used with Items as injectables it adds the "price per cc" to the Fee (M or V) and that is the price for the injection. Other problems have to be addressed in mixed large animal practices because the clinic has to also sell the bottle of injectable to farm as well as give injections. Topic for another day. ?

Dr. Paul

AVImark Whiteboard

One of my hospital clients in Burlington, CT went "live" with their Whiteboard on a big screen on January 30, 2018.  For more info on what the AVImark Whiteboard can and cannot, please contact me!

Dr. Paul




Emailing Invoices – AVImark version 2016.2.7

If you are on the latest version 2016.2.7 you should see an email invoice button in bottom of invoice.  Once you push button it should give you the option to post a message in one of the patient records via a drop down menu in the top area of email screen (but not all patients on the invoice, for multi-patient invoices).  Also, remember Rabies certificates and other Word doc attachments or handouts will not go with the email and invoice, only the invoice.  You also still have to "close" the invoice after you email it.  If you are putting invoice instructions for any patient on this invoice thru the right click Instructions these must be printed after you email the invoice or the instructions will not populate back into the CID medical history.  I only recommend using the new email invoice function for over the counter sales, quick visits with no handouts or detailed attached instructions.

Dr. Paul

AVImark and Wi-Fi 

AVImark wirelessly on a Wi-Fi network works much better now if you have rock solid A-C network (both router and network adapters in your tablets, laptops and phone).  This can allow AVImark to run at speeds comparable to wired...between 300 - 1000 mbps.  Older Wi-Fi networks run at miserable speeds of under 75 - 150 mbps.

For most hospitals a mini-pc or an newer AIO in the exam rooms with wireless keyboard and mouse still generally better than running AVImark wirelessly.  Hard to use AVImark in tablet only mode with no mouse or keyboard for most users.  Things are getting better but not quite there yet.  I would never run Sidekick (meant for mobile clinic or offsite satellite clinic) inside a hospital, absolutely no need.  You can also run AVImark through terminal services or remote desktop sessions to either the Server or take over a workstation  desktop.  May require add'l licencing and of course running true Server software and/or Windows Pro depending on setup and hardware in hospital.  More on this later...
Dr. Paul

Dragon Veterinary and AVImark

Attention AVImark Users!

Finally, a software that helps you complete repetitive, mundane tasks in your clinic faster and more efficiently.Our Software speeds up your work, so Veterinarians can do more on busy days.  Please check out this valuable link today and get your demo of Dragon Veterinary!
Request more information: Dragon Veterinary

Dr. Paul

Smart Flow Sheet and AVImark

AVImark attention!

  • Increase your clinic revenue by up to 20%
  • Run a "Paperless" Practice
  • Optimize Communications and Efficiency

Your hospital needs SMARTFLOW SHEET 

Please fill in this form and get a full demo & webinar scheduled today and don't forget to select Clinicworks, Inc. as your "Referred By" choice!

Dr. Paul

Rating Clients and fix New Client #s.

Rating Clients Utility also known as Monitor Client Quality.  If turned on in the Advanced Setup area, it runs automatically every 10 days on first workstation to start Avimark.  Based on a scale of 1-10.  In Client area you will see a scoring # in the lower right with a # up to 10.  A rating of 1 or 2 gives 1 red flower, 3 or 4 gives 2 red flowers, 5 or 6 gives 3 red flowers, 7 or 8 gives 4 red flowers and 9 or 10 gives 5 red flowers.  Based on total $$ spent in the last 12 months.  The blue # in parenthesis next to the red flowers is total # of invoices in the last 12 months.  Together you get a rough picture of client quality from a purely  $$ stand point.  You can set a client to a score or quality level as well which tells the system not to re-rate them each run of the utility.  This utility had caused some problems in the past but after version 2016.2.6 came out, that fixed some issues with the Rating Clients utility and the also broken New Client Totals in the Period Totals Report being screwed up from version 2016.0.0 to 2016.2.6.  If you jumped in upgrades from 2015.2.8 or below to 2016.2.6 you never experienced this problem.  Otherwise if you were on any version of 2016 prior to 2016.2.6 you need to also run a special fix-it utility called:  "Fixclientfirstaccountingdate"  this problem was partially caused by a broken Rating Client Utility.  All is well now with both as far as I can tell.  A new client is not counted as new until they spend their first $$,  no matter when the client was added to your Avimark.  The Rating Client utility was messing with first accounting dates which in turn was breaking New Client #s in the Period Totals report for about a year.  Hope this helps everyone!

Dr. Paul