Welcome to Clinicworks!
We can help you create and maintain an AVImark system that can benefit your practice, and make it easier for you to manage the information your hospital relies on.
Your success is our goal!
Our training and expertise makes creating, implementing and (most importantly) understanding your company's system easy and friendly!
As owner of Clinicworks, Inc., Dr. Paul Schmitz has been sharing his computer and networking experience since 1998, with over 600 separate AVImark for Windows Installations. He brings a dedication and personalization to the task of helping you setup your computer software, hardware and network.

FREE Prep Survey and Usage Analysis
Download our FREE Prep Survey here!
This survey is absolutely FREE and helps us learn more about how your hospital uses AVImark, and how your network & hardware is setup to work best with AVImark. This is an Excel spreadsheet for you to download from the above link. If you can fill this in and email it back to me, it helps me learn more about your use and setup of your AVImark system, network & hardware. Be sure and scroll to very top and bottom of the Excel spreadsheet so you don't miss any important questions! Feel free to add any additional info that helps me understand how you operate or what your goals are at your hospital.